Sunday, June 16, 2013

Saying Goodbye...

Yesterday we said good-bye to most of our WONDERFUL team :(

The team from San Antonio worked a half day and then had to start their long trip home.  We really had a blast with you guy's!!!  Miss you all so much...

We had to say good-bye to Salina and Isaac last night.  Wish ya'll could have stayed longer :(

Another great friend that had to leave yesterday was Robert.  It was hard saying good-bye after working all week together.  We miss you!

...during our last day for this week, (Saturday) we worked for the first few hours in the morning, but then it started pouring rain!!!
We thought we could wait it out, but it just got worse and worse.
Kailey and I thought we'd sit under the tailgate and wait for a bit... until Issac (aka, Jace)  hopped up on the tailgate and started reaching his hands down trying to freak us out.  He kinda quit after a good hard whack with a half full Gatorade bottle. LOL!!!   
There where seven people in the San Antonio group, so some one got the bright idea to give each one a name tag with one of the 'seven dwarfs' name on it!
Ross got Dopey :) 
Getting ready to pray before heading out...
The host church as a game room, so we all went to the church to wait for the rain to quit...
 There were some crazy games of Red Belly Ping-Pong going on (the guys ;) ).
On our second job of the day, we had to pick up debris, haul logs, and even search for the homeowners wedding ring!  Sadly, we never found it... 
This tree was HUGE!!!!  It seemed to take forever just to limb it...
Thank goodness for this guy, the job would have taken forever without him :)
The Chaplin's are praying with a smaller team before they head out... 

It was REALLY hard saying good-bye to everyone, after such an amazing week; at least we still have the 'Crazy Canuck' with us!    Ya'll are the best team ever and we are going to miss you terribly!!! 


  1. The guy with the grappling hook loader is my bud Don Smith. Tell him I said Hi next time you see him

  2. Wow I LOVE Your blog!! Its so good (:
