Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Almost Done ;)

WOW! We only have a few more days of selling fireworks left! I can't believe it went by so fast.  Business has been picking up a little bit, we really hope to be busy for the next few days...

We aren't very early risers, so we usually open the stand at around 10:00 every morning ;)
The afternoons aren't as busy as the evenings, so Mom is usually like this most of the time...
I usually don't wear hats, but I got so sick of the sun on my face in the late afternoon.  I don't care if I look dorky, I'd rather not have a sunburned face ;)
I was SOO glad when I finally got my new 4th of July Flexi-Clip! Mom and I have been wearing them every day, I love the beautiful Red, White and Blue heart with rhinestones!  It's perfect with any outfit, (even one that includes a cowboy hat) 
There is a small slab out in front of the stand that is perfect for the little kids to play with chalk! They spend hours out there writing animals, rainbows, flowers, just about everything. 
I'm glad that we are almost done!  I'm ready to hit a campground by the lake, relax and cool off ;)
Till next time.


  1. No "dorkieness" going on there... You're rockin that hat!! ;)


  2. Love your earrings in the first picture of you! Hee Hee! Super cute! Olivia
