Monday, March 25, 2013

Good-bye Orlando :)

We left the Orlando TT yesterday morning,:(
It was sad having to leave all those wonderful families; after two weeks of non-stop fun :)

One night a few of the teens got together to play guitars, ukuleles...
...and Wii
Marisa and I were the only girls there, but we didn't mind, we liked watching everyone else goof around :)
(ya, we goofed off a little too!)
It got really funny when we started playing Lets Dance on the Wii :)
 Of course we played water volleyball. We tried to play every morning, but sometimes it got too cold.
                                      We had about 10 kids each time and had a BLAST!!!!
We all really like the little store at the rec center, and we would go up almost every day to get lunch or a soda.  A couple of friends and I loved going up and having some "girl time" over our favorite hand scooped ice cream! (my fav was Blueberry Pomegranate)
We were SOOOOO excited when we heard that the Weaver Family Band was going to play at the RV park on Saturday!!!!! They are such a wonderful family, we loved hanging out with them :)
Here are the boys setting up.
I guess Stevie (neon shirt on stage) was supervisor LOL! 
Steve,  Mrs. Weaver, Anna and Michelle.
We really enjoyed seeing them in concert.
 We had heard a lot about their family and ministry, so we were REALLY excited when we got to see them live :) They are an extremely talented family; their kids never had a music lesson in their life!!!!
 My new friend Marisa and I were trying to think of something to dress-up for... We had not done anything really "girly" all week.  So we decided to do it for the Weaver concert :) So we took over one of the bath houses and Marisa's older sister did our hair and make-up. It took about two hours (Thank you, Katelyn!!)
The show ended about 9:30 ish, afterwords we helped them pack up their equipment, and talked for a few hours!LOL! 
Here we are saying good-bye at about 11pm after the concert.(missing a few kids)
We really enjoyed hanging out with so many awesome new friends.  ( we love you guys and I'm looking forward to seeing you all down the road!)  
Michel, Sam, Johnathan, Katelyn, Alivia, Lucas, Sevie, Jake, Brennan, Eli, Sarah, Me, Marisa!!!


  1. WOW!! Your hair looks AMAZING!! Looks like you guys are having an awesome time in Orlando. We wish we were still there with you.

    I agree Blueberry Pomegranate was the BEST ice-cream!!

    Miss you!

    ~ Love Becky

  2. Hey Beth!!!!
    It looks like you guys had SUCH a blast in Orlando!! I absolutely love your hair! And ice-cream -YUM :) Brings back memories!!
    Yes, we love the Weaver's too!
    I'm glad you guys are having so much fun!!
    Miss you all!
    Love, Jessie

  3. We had such a great time those two weeks, Beefth! I can't wait until we are all back together this summer in Montana, and then this winter back in Orlando! I will look forward to it the rest of the year :)

    I had one of the best nights when we dressed up, had Starbucks and went to the Weaver concert! :)
    i love you and miss you....
    So call me.... maybe?
