Monday, July 15, 2013

Party Time!

For the past few days we have been out at my Aunts ranch.  Every year we help with her annual 4th of July party! (which is usually the Saturday after)

We start prepping food Friday morning.  The food usually consists of; burgers, hot dogs, baked beans and quite a few different kinds of salads.  Some of the boys' jobs are: building the dance floor, mowing the lawns, setting up tables and chairs, digging out boxes of decorations etc...

Here the boys are on their way to get decorations, in cousin Conner's new truck...
I don't know how many times I messed up on the frosting recipe...
The bosses making sure we got everything...
Charlotte helping with the mustard...
Chopping Walnuts for the brownies...

Us girls (my cute cousins and I) love hanging out while prepping food!  We can be found giggling with the country music blaring through the speaker system, groaning when we realize we forgot to make a certain salad... Ya, we have a good time!

There is usually an average of about 250 people each year, but I think we did double this year!
Dad and Uncle Brad! The Grill Kings!!!

None of us had seen the newest addition to mom's side of the family - Baby Lizzie!!!
I hardly ever saw aunt Cara holding her!  Lizzie was always off on an adventure with a cousin...
Talk about a cutie pie!
And last, but definitely not least...
The Firework Show!!!
This display made the East Helena one look like kids stuff...
course, we were a little closer  ;)
Ugh... I think I went to bed around 1:45am

...tho for the record, Mom and Dad did the dishes while the boys and I helped clean off and pack away tables and chairs, put away food...  :)
Fun times!  Already looking forward to next year!!!

1 comment:

  1. Looked like a lot of fun and good times. Missing the Ticknor family...
